Burqin to Arraba

John Atick
  • Author: John Atick
  • Created: January 2, 2019 10:38 am
  • Updated: December 4, 2020 10:10 am
Trail Type: Hiking
Difficulty Grade: Moderate
  • Distance 9.65 km
  • Time 4 h 32 min
  • Speed 0.0 km/h
  • Min Altitude 229 m
  • Peak 443 m
  • Climb 879 m
  • Descent 804 m

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  • Distance Instructions

1. Abu Auweis Ruins

Altitude: 387 m

2. Al-Sayegh Homestay

Altitude: 263 m
Address: Burqin, Jenin

This home-stay is located at the entrance of the Martyrs Street in Burqin, on the main street. It overlooks a large beautiful plain that is full of vegetables. The house contains 2 rooms for the guests. It has 4 family members, and it receives both genders. Phone: +970599840323

3. Arraba Park

Altitude: 368 m

4. Beir Hasan - Roman Well

Altitude: 273 m

5. Burqin Church

Altitude: 240 m

St. George’s Church in Burqin has stood in its current location since the Byzantine era as a marker of the site where Jesus healed ten lepers. During recent renovations, three rooms which are about six meters deep, have been discovered, probably serving as a secret prayer space for the early Christians.

6. Burqin Municipality

Altitude: 257 m

7. Jarrar Palace

Altitude: 255 m

8. Kafr Kud Municipality

Altitude: 316 m

9. Mardawi Homestay

Altitude: 362 m
Address: Arraba, Jenin

Mustafa and Ayat Mardawi keep their house’s door open to every Masar Ibrahim walker that wishes to make an overnight stop in their picturesque village of Araba in the Jenin region.

Ayat Mardawi, excellent cook and mother of five children, is extremely pleased that the trail now passes through her village of Araba; and her husband Mustafa is as glad as she is. He believes the village has incredible potential as a tourist destination, pointing out that Araba has many archaeological and architectural remains from the multiple civilizations that inhabited the area across the ages. “There are Roman ruins not too far away from the place where we live,” he says proudly. Phone: +970569329554 / +970599722591.

10. Mt. Barid

Altitude: 465 m

11. Um al-Jahadim Spring

Altitude: 376 m

12. Palaces of Arraba

Altitude: 347 m

The Palestinian village of Arraba has traditionally been associated with the ancient fortified Canaanite city of Arubboth, which is said to exist in the area. During the Ottoman period, Arraba served as the seat of the Abd al-Hadi clan, a prominent family in the region that engaged actively in local and international politics. Today, visitors to Arraba can explore the Abd al-Hadi palace complex which serves as Arraba’s municipality headquarters and a as a center for community activities.

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