- Created: February 5, 2019 4:26 pm
- Updated: December 4, 2020 10:13 am
- Distance 10.82 km
- Time 4 h 13 min
- Speed 3.0 km/h
- Min Altitude 211 m
- Peak 461 m
- Climb 562 m
- Descent 378 m
- Distance Instructions
- Travel Mode:
- Walking
- Bicycling
- Driving
- Straight-line
1. Mar Saba Monastery
A 5th Century AD monastery, the largest in the Jerusalem Wilderness. The complex is built on the southern cliffs of the Kidron creek, and is protected inside a walled area with dozens of structures. It was established by Saint Sabas (Arabic: Mar Saba), and named after him. The monastery started as a place of seclusion of few monks in the caves, led by Sabas. Over the years it was built, expanded, and fortified. During the peak times it housed about 500 monks.
2. Tal al-Qamar Bedouin Camp
In the wilderness of Dar Salah, Tal al Qamar is located in an ideal location, which forms a small oasis in the middle of the almost serene barren land. It contains two tents each one accommodates up to 20 and a guesthouse ( five-bedroom dormitory )designed to fit the semi-desert environment and can accommodate up to 3 guests. Email: alkarmel48@hotmail.com / Phone Number: +970568903502.