Tal al-Qamar to Bethlehem

John Atick
  • Author: John Atick
  • Created: February 6, 2019 8:57 am
  • Updated: December 4, 2020 10:09 am
Trail Type: Hiking
Difficulty Grade: Moderate
  • Distance 14.12 km
  • Time 5 h 33 min
  • Speed 3.0 km/h
  • Min Altitude 345 m
  • Peak 765 m
  • Climb 645 m
  • Descent 282 m

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  • Distance Instructions

1. Church of the Nativity

Altitude: 761 m
Address: Bethlehem

The Nativity Church, built over the grotto where according to tradition Jesus Christ was born. It is also one of the oldest churches the world that is still in use.

2. Khirbet Beit Bassa

Altitude: 662 m

Khirbet Beit Bassa is an archaeological site located in Beit Sahour, in the district of Bethlehem in Palestine. The site is located on a low hilltop located approximately 3 km to the southeast of Bethlehem, one kilometre southwards from Beit Sahour and about 10 km to the south from the Old City of Jerusalem. The area is archaeologically very relevant, as it also features a range of historical sites from different periods: the Herodion, Khirbet Hindaza and Khirbet Beit Ta‘mar to the south, the Nativity Church to the northwest and Shepherd’s Field to the north.

3. Bethlehem Peace Center

Altitude: 760 m

Bethlehem Peace Center is Located in Manger Square. The Bethlehem Peace Center is a cultural center that offers many services to different sectors of the society. It houses a Tourist Information Center, a book and gift store, and holds cultural activities.

4. Catholic Church

Altitude: 669 m
Address: Beit Sahour

5. Milk Grotto Church

Altitude: 761 m
Address: Bethlehem

A short distance south of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is a shrine called the Milk Grotto, on a street of the same name.

An irregular grotto hollowed out of soft white rock, the site is sacred to Christian and Muslim pilgrims alike. It is especially frequented by new mothers and women who are trying to conceive.

By mixing the soft white chalk with their food, and praying to Our Lady of the Milk, they believe it will increase the quantity of their milk or enable them to become pregnant.

Rows of framed letters and baby pictures sent from around the world to the Milk Grotto testify to the effectiveness of the “milk powder” and prayer. (The powder is available only at the shrine; it may not be ordered from overseas.)

6. Shepherds' Fields

Altitude: 624 m
Address: Beit Sahour

Caves where shepherds “kept watch over their flock” still abound in the area east of Bethlehem. Here, the Gospel of Luke tells us, an angel announced the birth of Jesus.

The angel’s good news was not given to the noble or pious, but to workers with a low reputation.

7. Souq al-Sha'ab Market

Altitude: 647 m
Address: Beit Sahour

8. Tal al-Qamar Bedouin Camp

Altitude: 393 m
Address: Dar Salah

In the wilderness of Dar Salah, Tal al Qamar is located in an ideal location, which forms a small oasis in the middle of the almost serene barren land. It contains two tents each one accommodates up to 20 and a guesthouse (five-bedroom dormitory) designed to fit the semi-desert environment and can accommodate up to 3 guests. Email: alkarmel48@hotmail.com / Phone Number: +970568903502.

9. Virgin Mary's Well

Altitude: 660 m
Address: Beit Sahour

Is considered one of the deepest wells and the most important in the city center of Beit Sahour where it is said that the Prophet Jacob, son of Prophet Isaac (son of Abraham) is the person who dug the well, also it is said that Virgin Mary, while traveling to Egypt, has passed by the well and was thirsty and asked a lady to give her water to drink but she refused and miraculously the water of the well overflowed and reached her. Besides that, it is believed that this well has witnessed more than just one miracle.

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